"#1- Johnny Depp #2- Jared Leto #3- Ewan McGregor #4- Joaquin Phoenix #5- Chris Pratt"

"#1- Hugo (2011) #2- Life Is Beautiful (1997) #3- Spirited Away (2001) #4- Toy Story 3 (2010) #5- Do The Right Thing (1989) #6- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) #7- Seven (1995) #8- Guardia"

"#1- The Twilight Zone #2- Batman: The Animated Series #3- Avatar: The Last Airbender #4- Mystery Science Theater 3000 #5- Gravity Falls #6- Trigun #7- Ed, Edd n Eddy #8- Whose Line Is It Anyway #9- Sp"

"#1- Gravity Falls #2- Rick and Morty #3- Golan the Insatiable #4- Mike Tyson Mysteries #5- Community"

"#1- Darth Vader (Star Wars) #2- Judge Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) #3- John Doe (Seven) #4- Freddy Krueger (A Nightmare on Elm Street) #5- Bane (The Dark Knight Rises) #6- Audrey II (Little Sh"

"This is a really cool list, man. You've definitely got some interesting song selections. This was such a fun idea that I was inspired to make a similar list of my mine. Check it out here: http://www.l"

"It's definitely cool that you were able to make short films. That's has been a real aspiration of mine. My plans for film school aside, this was a really great list. I will definitely have to take som"

"Great list, man. As a fellow AVGN fan, I found this list to be pretty cool. With the new episode, I hope Seaman gets added to the list."

"Cool Music Diary, can't wait to see what albums you listen to next."

"This is certainly a great ensemble of incredible albums, plus your thoughts on these albums range from intriguing to hilarious but, in general, are all very interesting to read. Great work on this alb"

"There is definitely a lot of great choices here. Seriously, these are certainly some eye-catching covers. They would certainly catch my attention in a record store (if I ever decide to go to one of th"

"This is such a brilliant list. Cool idea and provides such fun, interesting trivia. Great work! It's become a favorite list of mine."

"This is a great, kind of depressing list. It's always kind of sad to think of timeless cartoon characters facing the passage of time but it's still some damn good drawings."

"Thanks for the continued support of my Movie Logs. I really appreciate it. Also, already got my list for September. Thanks a lot! Ricky's Movie Log: September 2015"

"Yeah, I definitely agree with your feelings on Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, very underrated film. I was actually interested in checking out Ray as I once read an autobiography about man and listened some of h"

"Can already tell this is a controversial list?"

"We share a lot of favorites films. You definitely have a lot of great films in this list. I have to say."

"My list: *Tom Hanks- Forrest Gump *Jim Carrey- The Truman Show *Christian Bale- American Psycho *Morgan Freeman- The Shawshank Redemption *Johnny Depp- Ed Wood *Ryan Gosling- Drive *Kevin Spacey- Ame"

"By the way, I apologize for the lack of inclusion of suggestions from the comments. It's not that I don't like them. It's just I haven't been able to see all the films the characters have been mention"

"#1- Spirited Away #2- Toy Story 3 #3- Howl's Moving Castle #4- Finding Nemo #5- The Secret of Kells #6- The Incredibles #7- The Nightmare Before Christmas #8- The Hunchback of Notre Dame #9- Lilo and"

"There are some really great albums on this list. Other times I haven't heard of but might check out in the future. Overall great choices."

"Love to read Movie Logs, you keep your descriptions mostly short and enjoyable. I started my own Movie Log for the first time, too: http://www.listal.com/list/rickys-movie-log-january-2015"

"This is a very nice list of flicks. 2014 was a great year for films. I really need to see more of them."

"#1- Batman Beyond #2- Trigun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzHe4U5c5Oc #3- The Powerpuff Girls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7rxuuIOxhg #4- Pokemon #5- SWAT Kats https://www.youtube.com/watch"

"#1- Hugo (2011) #2- Life Is Beautiful (1997) #3- Toy Story 3 (2010) #4- Spirited Away (2001) #5- Big Fish (2003) #6- Ordinary People (1980) #7- Back to the Future (1985) #8- Eternal Sunshine of the Sp"

"I'm not sure if you are still making lists anymore but I am interested in seeing a Best of 2014 cause I really enjoyed your 2013 favorites list and your overall thoughts on these films (mostly how you"

"#1- The Twilight Zone #2- Batman: The Animated Series #3- Avatar: The Last Airbender #4- Mystery Science Theater 3000 #5- Trigun #6- Gravity Falls #7- Ed, Edd n Eddy #8- It's Always Sunny in Philadelp"